[尚無標題] 我的愛永不會襲滅燃燒不勁

"U . U" 一切事物的原始狀態都是一堆看似毫不關聯的碎片但是這種混沌狀態結束後這些無機的碎片會有機地匯集成一個整體

我明明看到妳在閃爍 ...

"@3@" 化作燈蛾給我撲火~

"U . U" !對太錯 錯在 ... 沒有錯 ?
燈啊 ... 我給妳聽聽 我 溫度的顏色

"@3@" !?

"U . U" ... Étude op.25 No.11
那么只好 我 來繼續瞭

"@3@" !?

"U . U" 妳 ... 騎過鐵馬嗎 cycle
pressure generates power
the head of the problem and the root of love ?

"@3@" Your child is No Your child
You're gonna ruin my last anger~

"U . U"  ?  yes ? No this is the only allowed
your sins are completely innocent 放肆 !

"@3@" 放肆放~ 因為你 我開始擅長騙自己 

"U . U" ? 我這木有騙妳 因為妳 妳實實在在不用騙自己 xū wú piāo miǎo

"@3@" Shī zhǔ qǐng huí ba 糖葫~ 芦

"U . U"  enjoy the . silence 
夢時未省由是夢 夢省未時方恨醒

"@3@" SO...

"U . U" So Now you're not satisfied ?
妳有 . 妳有一道光 

"@3@" 是 !是我自願的奉先~

"U . U" ... Sonate pathétique

"@3@" 我與我沉默的~慌源~

"U . U" So ... Tell me

"@3@" Come On ?Too-ra ta-loo-ra~

"U 皿 U" So you still think I'm trying to conquer the world ? Come on Ài nǐ

"@3@" In fact i also...

"U . U" So ...  It's a family issue or because aPrio ?I don't think there is any problem
One of them is that you hae to keep taking drugs to stop the body rejecting the foreign material in the heart

"@3@" Yes she is a cool doctor

"U 口 U" ... you asked her When the duel 

"@w@"... FffFu !F

"U . U"a ... a-doodle-doo  A ~ doodle-doo

"@W@"OK Ready for Lay...

"U 3 U" hey !U No Super Stop you NO
妳知道的 笨鳥再怎麼飛還是很慢 夢中人
不過 ... 至少還是在飛 都別忘了

"@口@" !這是什麼激型~ 真對誰 ?

"U . U" 在"我"看來 ... 是"全日型"俸獻很重要

"@口@" !母湯喔~ G.受不了了
一下高一下又低 等下又高了~ a whole bowl jet

"U . U" 夏蟲不可語冰 蟪蛄不知春秋 i have no idea But I 掉葡萄 Because I ... Oh my me

"@皿@" Go eat some hot soup to warm up your body~ I promise not to fool around

"U 3 U" You know I'm not talking about functions and phenomena I'm talking about basic facts 妳 我 她 So I'm not angry
And in the beginning the function was your choice

~Sowhyareyoualwaysangrybecauseshemakes you angry~

Of course there is a cognitive bias and now she's still in a deeper SHE'S been hot

"@3@"... So what do you think of Loose diamonds ?

"U . U" ? I don't see any stones ...

"@3@" ?What is essence and substance

"U 皿 U" 我們 ... 再喝一杯 妳看看