. انت عيوني أنا أنظر إليك ، تنظر إلي ، ماذا سنفعل 因 樂 將不同于往日了


"@3@" Le ~يني ن

.من فضلك أعد ذاكرتك.

"U 口 U" !ليني ؟


"U . U" NO ... Lightning Agge 

like a TV commercial briefly 
Not satisfied but the content is very deep


"@3@" . 这示不與平目前最大的愿望 .

"U . U" ? A Clockwork Orange Hasty Freude!

That's Good first break all the text pages and pictures in front of you then stand on the table and dance

"@3@" That's Very Good~ I heard it again~ I saw it again~ 
Everything works according to the laws of nature not man-made rules When the rules form chaos

"U . U" !hot cool ... this is very important ...

"@3@" 水至清則無魚 人至察則無徒 政至嚴則不通

high hot pants~ 太熱 ?

"U . U" this Cool 近朱者赤 近墨者黑 明光大正

"@皿@"v I'm on fire for you've been there

"U 皿 U"V I know this much is too this much is true two

"@3@" Only 1 the sun~

"U . U" Yes TRUE 

"@3@" Y a-t-il une limite de Vitesse ?

"U . U" Hat Geschwindigkeit . 360

"@3@" Hold oN~ i can't bear to blink

"U . U"U No ... Hug more tightly 離陸 怪光 ?

"@3@" U-Uncompromising~ 莫笑 痴情太痴狂

"U 皿 U" ... 親卿愛卿是以卿卿我不卿卿誰當卿卿 ?
以後 妳 就不要這樣叫了 到底 ...

"@皿@" 如 shadow 隨行 I heard it again I listened slowly 白白與你相遇的每 1 天 

"U . U" ,,Looks like .... it's all figured out

"@3@" ,,這世什麼激型~

"U . U" yes U No .... 光年之间 ˋ 赶脚得赶紧

"@3@" lIke the eyes can not tolerate sand


"U . U" ... But . Well now I've come Back agaIn 3 n U No sun visor ?

"n 3 n" i know this much is true

"U . U" my Love confess to me to me
Don't throw stones into the sea
Don't build castles out of sand

"@3@" X10 ?√

"U . U" ? OK ... y = 10 √ X-X .自故不暇好自為之.

"@3@" Я тебя люблю

"U . U" Только луна тебе под стать

"@3@" Твоя холодность всегда меня огорчает

"U . U" 當愛恨相撞....Horses
狼之於羔羊 正如愛人之於被愛人

"@3@" ?....

"U . U" ? .... 愛我妳會死 
​​​​​​青春無值錢 看告抉天光 咱攏是黑暗眠 甲意你的肉味 麥問我為啥咪

"@3@" 幸福是啥滋味

The last cigarette I want to leave
What is happiness like when there is no escape ?

"U 皿 U" Do GG this question is very deep
But I'm telling you babe

That I don't think it's true babe

"@3@" All answers are ?

"U 口 U" !? Phew . this is really fucking wHisky

"@皿@" ?Whiskey~Whisky