
"U . U" 太熱 ...
實體皆有影 鎖有在上頭的沒一個快活 頭很重要 ? 沒毛病 ?

"@口@" 不要指著我的頭 也不要壓我的頭 把把MY如何 ?

"U . U" ... 妳 這毛並不親 得上心 病狂啊 !先 大眠吧 睡飽點

"@3@" 靠 我的睫毛膏呢 ?ㄣㄣ ™ 的 雷擊隊

"U . U"a 哪支 ?... 不好意思.®.在我這呢©.
看著妳 ... 能有多閃爍 ?對太錯 !祢能復活多少次 ?

"@口@" 我明明 看到祢在閃爍
都是妳的錯 !完全不能怪誰 ?
It's A SinT~

"U . U" 妳 ... ?It's a shit !A hard or soft option ? !

"@3@"a !FUCK ! ... 衍生與供應 美化與醜化 It's A ?
resource recovery and reuse...

"U . U"a Ouch !insta It's a It's a It's A ...
SHIT !A ... Hey ~ Very ggood 

"@3@" do

"U . U" do ?I do NT mean ideological things how can I refuse any action from U ... 一

"@3@" !冷血動植物 狠心小觸深~ 這 . 太~ 太1
gei gei zhi zhi~ 那裡舌頭打結

"U 口 U" Why are you talking a bo ut ?
Forbid u to say so :Dum bo !
Im talking about flying not fat !
The flying elephant cannot sit on the floor all the time
Woo ~ Stupid Super Stop !In fact Pooh is fatter !

"@3@" gei gei zhi zhi~ zhi zhi gei gei~ It's a It's A FUCK !Ba Mùa ... con châu chấu ?

"U . U" Bon . enjoy the silence ?

"@3@" !:Damn~ 這 . 完全 不 能怪誰

"U . U" 對 是 1 種 錯 錯在都沒有錯
妳 . 確實一再嚷我犯錯 結果居然又 ... 對了

"@3@" 呃 Z ZzzZzz~ Something in My House~
My Car My Cat My B anana....

"U . U" ?Me !died
Thank U Me Alive

"@3@" !A.... M829

"U . U" Bon 愛 !So
everything sHould come back A gain ?Select ?aiming preparation Give me your mom,s coordinates

m"@3@"m wo Do what you should do !

"U . U" :Dr feel good so good ?

"@3@" WOo~

"U . U" Hey !Why do do this ? 把 人 給我教出來
So Harpia harpyja 我的心情好像 1 頭孤鷹 等到 滿月的時候 . 我 . 很虛心的分辨麥子和稗子 俺真是愛死這些稗子了 Whoa!

"@3@" WoO~ Super Stop Star Boy~ 
The right architecture ?Face your Goals !

"U . U" 365 ° zero dead angle 歡迎光臨為您服務將是
歷史名詞 ? 

"@3@" 能夠再度合作嗎 ?騎士

"U . U" 您的問題連國王也很頭痛 您要騎士 ?
民族英雄 俺虛心的根您報告一下 您是有史以來
最偉大的 It's A ....
能讓我所有非常多大量的騎士呼吸嗎 ?
國王讓您有色盲了 ?還是您鬥雞眼了 ?

"@3@" 我們還是可以合作 也許舉辦世界性

"U . U" !super stop 您別用手指 指著我 您們至少要先搞清楚誰才是現代真正最偉大的 民族英雄 俺不許認何 人 褻瀆牠
停 看 聽 想明白再往前 這樣的比賽應該會很有趣


"@.@" 那裡心裡到底還有顏色嗎 ?冷血動植物
狠心曉處深  可以柔聲輕觸嗎 ?

"U . U" 有 ... 血是什麼顏色的 紫色 ?
紅顏色的鶴東西都不輕 現在妳比較熱還是雲比較熱 ?
動起來手足 !

"@3@" 您 1 直很熱 但是夏面下雨了 我 不 想惹麻煩~~

"U 口 U" 妳 ... 這下麻煩大了 。鮮血直流 
!這是怎麼回事 ?

"@w@" ... MC HotBoy !剩下光年~×上光年= ??

"U 口 U" !It's A ... catch-22 

"@3@" 轉彎吧 ?...
Turn around~ !This will 
The love beyond reach~ .U.

"U . U" α β ?WHY B~A 標竿直跑
.U. 邊長莫及的愛 事實个只是很近的距離

"@3@" 空需中的虛空 破碎須空..

"U . U" 絕對.空虛

"@3@" 口享~ .U. ㄣo ? The void in the air :DemanD ?

"U . U" Cannon Beach power UNo ?
It's A Supermassive Black hole
Cookie Monster UNo ?So's

"@3@"a So we need some candy now

"U . U" 各位放心 我現在正在幫祢們洩憤
!各位 ... 我覺得我被洩憤了

"@///@" power的力量

"U . U" 呃 !各位 ... i覺得i又憤怒了 。

"@3@" 怎麼愛祢都.. 凸霸王別激~
私奔 霸 !核心對核心 ?

"U . U"a 凸
澈 大丈夫 能屈能伸 霸体 1 生無怨無悔 !

"@3@" 凹 鵝 一 生也沒有絲毫的悔恨~
徹 曉女子 可剛可柔

"U . U" !... 鵝 看來又得戲綠波了

"@口@" 有哇木有哇~ 祢 自己很清楚 !多少 ?

"U . U" ?哇 !白白吃了 1 驚 too Much too
UNo ? young too fast  夏夕夏景 潮起潮落

"@3@" Xia Xi Xia Jing~ cháo qǐ cháo luò~
鳴啊 鳴啊~ ?功率 吠 太郎

"U 3 U" 喔 這 一 杯誰敢喝 ?這 1 根誰敢抽 ?
嗷 鳴 嗷 鳴 啊鳴 ~

"@3@" Can i tie the slipknot ?:)
BBlack coma WHY ?嗚~

"U . U"  :  (   ...
You really don't need to tie a knot

Attention ... you are too close to the core
Ban eGG !

"@3@" apple~  Good baDD!

"U . U" !...  ):I've reached Day a Day binge
這難道是溶翼的刺 ?

"@3@" UNo ?If you don't want to chase something like an egg then it's all over egg .

"U = U"a But now I'm chasing the same hot doG .

"@3@" Today up on this hill...
~睫毛膏 !知道不 ?Mascara

"U . U" 搞 ? Sister Mao ! !!
:Do you want to go sea of tranquility ?
If I can't take you there
where do you want to stay ?
What the hell are you crying about ???
But now why do you keep laughing ???

"@皿@" Baby Crying and laughing ( : )哭笑不得
I've reached day a day binge~

"U . U" It takes time to cry and laugh . | .
Ok Where are you'$ talking about bats mouse Flying Bra ???????add stop 神精並比毛還多經

"@3@" UNo There are more nerves than hair ?
神精經並比毛還多精 ?

"U . U" ... 所以 Today  ,up on this hill
看著月亮哀嚎 不如聽聽真正的咆哮

"@3@" 總是... 太熱~ sohot~

"U . U" ? ... soheart
它奶奶的熊 俺 搞了這麼久可不是為了什麼心

"@3@" Radioactive~

"U . U" : )

"@3@" 呀齒白牙 !King Kong~

"U+++U" 啊 ~ 哈哈哈 Gorilla feel good
- 全部都是 俺 的  .  Chimpanzee Politics ?

"@w@"... momkey !Super hurried momkey

"U . U" !What can I do ?
一 have to hand in my homework
How dangerous it is to climb up and down

"@3@" 不~ 能 不 能 不愛了?
​​​哈 哈 哈 狠難哀樂

"U 口 U" 娃賽 !妳這一拳可比妳罰球準多了

"@w@" 罰球 ? 罰球的問題怎麼是問 我 ??
Today , up on this hill ?BiG night !

"U . U" !... Let It Be
good luck and
good night
? .  What can I do ?nothinG
UNo how powerful these are

"@w@" When u step on the accelerator, u will hear a good engine whistling 
u want to be uncle ?川 
1 ?零度空間

"U 口 U" Let It bE !
it is recommended that you can keep her turbo lift smoothly @@@
at a certain speed he will say
Encore mGm 隕石 Waa . 愛慕 更純粹的能原 
A ?dore ショックわかりますか ?

"@w@" What is the difference between a meteorite and a meteor !?
壊れたのわかりますか ?
壞 !

"U 3 U" uH ... Peter ???Park 
....... Strengthening skills
​​​​​​Peter should know better
Maybe Peter should release more Amore Amour ㄣ

"@3@" Super stop~ Are you loving me or beating me !?Such a change ball is too fast~
I swallow the sunflower seeds in my mouth !
!U must confirm the location of the home plate 

"U . U" ... Aloha 'Oe
Every catcher is dead . Who else do I have to serve ?
(You can't hit the ball or hit him on the head)

"@口@" Dont you understand Baby when you take a breath of the world for the first time
your purple color will fade away

"U . U" ...
Yes rain I know better than your mother . If you dont absorb and enter the world what does the world have to do with you ?

"@3@" Then i will... Absol raid ?Antelope Valley Leader ?excavata reader ?X rating !

"U . U" ... 突飛猛進 ?
Forget it I wont say that 

"@3@" 難道 U 不知道 x 起真多少都會造 x Hurt ??

"U W U" !... 
So pretty totally perverted .. Totally abnormal
Who offended the rules ?嘖 嘖 嘖 ~

"@口@" ?NO !load speed~

"U .. U" ... Pretty

"@..@" ....SLOWLY ugly~ Bad Big cat
"U . U" I can be slow until you dont notice you swinging
And I know what is hidden under your bed
If you forget to take it back after use it cannot be defined as hidden

"T口T" This is really the saddest thing I have ever heard
那一個昨天 像極了愛情~

"U . U" l I was somebody else ?

"@3@" What do you want today ?
"U .. U" InceptIon InceptIon footbalI
If you go forward I might go back 我的陣形鬆散又凌亂Come on . Olive leaves in your mouth Where are you from ?
"@3@"ㄣo i cant describe~ 凸X11X凸 亂正集團 !

"U 口 U" Wow !S.O.S.愛 我的 集團 現在正亂

"@3@" 你得了 Woman 現在急成一團餒~

"U . U" 窩們 ??? 真是了得 再集中一點就可以看到橄欖球了 !當妳發現越來越多橄欖油就表示很接近橄欖樹了 Y Where are you from ?
我們這鞭的戰術很簡單 :Dont mess with women 119911活活把她愛死就行 了 oK ?Come oN 凹 ~ 保持你的德性 . 不要投機取巧 PS 梅花3弄 GO !

"@3@" 平平仄仄仄平平餒~

"U . U" 這個夏天 ... 有哇木有哇 妳 自己很清楚 
Peter這是唯 1 被允許的 妳 想要牽引什麼 ?
俺 從頭至尾沒有限制過任何型態 人 事 物 表達愛情的機會 
pretty除了 俺 沒有別 人 可以把 妳 翻轉過來UNo

"@3@" 啊 !當 . 所擁有人 都在娃~ 因 . 而起~

"U . U" I must say wendy shikson is loyal to ME
is a foundation the choice is wendys 天地無用
Anyway its going to get soaked :Do you choose heavy rain or heavy heat ? clock sound !

"@3@" Y ou dont really need to tie the pass out KKnot~

"U 口 U" !Good girl peter you did a good job

"@3@" Nani?!~ Nani?! Nani?! 是我 !

"U 3 U" !NoMe Responsibility ? ...
clock sound .......
I dont want to eat you now so fly .

"@3@" Do you just want me to fly ?
i can add more pepper or chili

"U .. U" You never kiss an unknown object because you dont know what it is a N it's a in tranquil sea

"@3@" No..one really knows how to taste~

"U 口 U" !Yo u mean catnip ?
OK . Hunt more and more and more 
Do you just want to listen to Peter ?
I have more than a dozen more yet to say 11
You have to know that her grief is not caused by me she is already trying to recover mY

"@3@" Yes peter is always sad
Because she thinks that she would shit after eating O shit o shit o shake shit

"U . U" Shit !Peter really know's
OK Left behind to form diamonds but who can eternal ?
"@3@" Of course there will be no forever A... shit~

"U . U" ... I may not keep.pressure on you but I promise I will keep Shake Shit

"@3@" iN fact this is perfect 冷血動植物 狠心曉觸深
You come back here and I don't Know why
I go to pieces and I don't Know whY

"U 口 U" !ruthless akatsuki touches deep 
It's A ... very poetic

"@3@" i i i want to pee 嘶~
You promise not to hide from me S'hit~

"U . U" Because Im born so let's super 
​​​stop talking about Shit

"@3@" is the star O s'hit~ sleepingNot

"U 口 U" !
What the tank is doingggroUp

"@3@" Yours Hobart's Funnies Very smokey

"U 口 U"U ... U So professional
where's the Dead Knot ? is the deadlock here
This will definitely kill you aㄣy lot of time
U No ? I've been opened enough
Turn around .

​​​"@3@" It's alllate now the sun is still hot~

"U . U" Are you going out to find me or come back to find me ... come out .

"@3@" You will always be by my side ?

"U . U" Go with You 如影隨形
You can bear happiness ?
You can bear pain ?
活活的愛 死
I've been opened enough Up

"@3@" O man~

"U . U" A Man 
妳愛什麼 妳愛過自己 ?
What are you stunned ? Have you stunned yourself ?
Then who are you going to love with shit 
妳要生日禮物 ...
O man

"@3@" I don't feel the love of shit at all

"U . U" Good I Love you aㄣman .
You figured it out clearly fertilizer loves you

"@3@" a !A Man 這真的太神奇了 My Heart Will Go On~

"U . U" Do you know ? This woman never hated me